
About this Recipe

By: Complete Food Company

Lemon Coriander Soup recipe is delicious and nutritious soup that is refreshingly flavored with of coriander, lemon as well as a few other vegetables, high in Vitamin C, and very low in calories. Serve this soup for an appetizer or as a comfort food during a rainy monsoon or cold winter night, or drink it in case you’re sick.

Lemon Coriander Soup


  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 4-5 finely chopped garlic
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 1 finely chopped carrot
  • 6-8 chopped french beans
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp corn flour slurry
  • 1 cup chopped coriander
  • juice of 2 lemon

A basic lemon coriander soup is prepared by cooking vegetables or herbs and adding the ingredients to a stock of vegetables. Then lemons as well as coriander leaf are added. My recipe is unique as I’ve not used any commercial vegetable stock. I’ve cooked my vegetables and during the process of cooking veggies, the stock is prepared. This recipe is a good example you will not need to purchase all vegetable broth.

Soups are a great option in winter or any time you’re struggling to keep your health in check. This lemon coriander soup made from vegetables is full of vitamin C, a natural boost to your immune system. 


Tips for perfect Lemon Coriander Soup

  1. There’s there no reason to specific with regards to which vegetables you should include in soup. Onions and carrots are the most basic flavors that you can add to your soup. You can mix any vegetable that you like, but be careful not to add starchy vegetables since they can make soup cloudy.
  2. Never add coriander to soup when it is boiling. Always add them before serving because they’ll turn dark once they are boiled.

Benefits of Lemon Coriander Soup

  • Lemons are a great in vitamin C, which aids in building immunity against cold and cough in winter. They can also aid in weight loss, heart health and digestion.
  • Coriander leaves are loaded with health benefits, including it helps digestion and decreases blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.



Ready In:


Good For:


Lemon Coriander Soup Step10
Lemon Coriander Soup CFC

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Heat 2 tablespoon oil in saucepan and add 4-5 finely chopped garlic in it.

Sauté garlic for a minute and add 1 finely chopped onion. Stir for 2 minutes on low flame.

Step 2

Add 1 finely chopped carrot and give it a stir.

Once carrot is sauted, add 6-8 chopped french beans and give all the vegetables a good mix.

Step 3

Add 4 cups water. Cover the saucepan with a lid and let it boil for 5 minutes. Then add 2 teaspoon salt.

Step 4

Add 4 tablespoon corn flour slurry 
To make corn flour slurry mix 4 tablespoon corn flour with 2 tablespoon water. 
This will make your soup thick.

Step 5

Add 1 cup chopped coriander.
Remember to add coriander just before serving as they will become dark if boiled for longer time

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do!! If you give this recipe a try, we did love to hear from you, Please let us know your feedback in the comments below.

Thank you!



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